Elsie Plant Hatting Hero | Hat Works Animation

Elsie Plant Hatting Hero is an animation created for the Hatworks Museum - the UK's only Hat Museum based in Stockport, the animation explores the history of socialist, suffragette & birth control activist Elsie Plant from Stockport.

The animation is showcased on the factory floor of the museum next to the display of Elsie’s office filled with her notes, books, hat boxes & more. The animation and narrative wallpaper to house the animation have been created from a combination of illustrations inspired by the Hat Museum archives + collaged elements too. Collaging and drawing on top of the archival images helped bring Elsie’s story to life & the intertwined rich history of hatting, birth control & women’s rights. Alongside the animation and wallpaper I have run workshops and talks on the project for the Victoria and Albert Museum, International Women’s Day, Women in Archives and Sheffield & Manchester University. The project was runner-up in V&A Illustration Awards Adult Non-Fiction Category.

V&A Talk and Awards | Pen to Screen

‘Pen to Screen, Digital Illustration Now’ event at the @vamuseum alongside @benjamindraws talking all about experimentation, project journeys and development, and our processes from handcrafted to digital & everything in between. This event is part of the V&A’s inaugural Digital Art Season which runs until the end of November 2024, and addresses questions of technology, creativity and digital culture. 

Women in Archives Event

Hosted on the Stockport’s Hat Works Factory Floor, Women + Archives consisted of a series of presentations that foreground women’s stories in the archives of Greater Manchester and heard from women working in archives to bring new perspectives to historical records. Speakers working across the city region shared their work and examined the lasting legacy of women in archives.

This event is hosted and facilitated by Hat Works Museum and Stockport Local Heritage Library with funding from Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Developed in partnership with @mcrschart.

Speakers @helenlantro, @womeninprintuk, @maisysummer, @lucymorris_illustration, @bethanyturnerpemberton, Alison Slater.